[an error occurred while processing this directive] Today
by Amy Frost, Austin Peay State University

Today, I awoke with a feeling of hope and anticipation of things to come
I have been lost for some time now...paralyzed with fear.

For the first time, I feel as if I truly understand life...
We all experience pain and sorrow.

However, pain inflicted upon us by others can be the hardest of all to bear
I challenge those people to spread cheer...not pain.

How we deal with adversity will shape our lives and determine our character
Our experiences will plant seeds of hope for the future.

Children will watch...they will cultivate and spread these seeds all around them
Hate, pain, indifference, and intolerance will diminish over time.

We cannot let others dictate how we look at the world...
Don't let them convince you that the world is not yours to share.

Diversity is the key...sameness is not
Search for people who can offer you a chance to learn and grow.

The world is a wonderful place with many varieties of life
Is one really better than the other?

Our self-made barriers of yesterday could melt away...
If we would only reach out and become positive supportive members of the world...

A world of magical new beginnings created by change...
Happiness, togetherness, diversity, tolerance, understanding and compassion.

Acceptance is something we all deeply want and need,
But few give unconditionally.

Do not resist...do not ignore
Think about it...let the change begin with you...

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