[an error occurred while processing this directive] My Outer Covering
by Barbara Y. Mair, Clinical Psychology student
School of Psychology & Counseling at Regent University, Virginia Beach

I have been given this outer covering
So that my inner self can become the best that it can be
The road I am traveling is not easy
Nor do I want it to be
For if my journey was easy
Then that which I should have gained would be lost

Many a time I may stumble
But I know I will not fall
For this present route I am traveling
Does not last but for so long
A helping hand will always be appreciated
But those who offer pity are themselves to be pitied
For in their pity they lose out on what they could have gained
As their focus is centered on my outer frame

So the task of my outer covering
Is to make of me
The best that I can be

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